quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2008

Ronaldo, a little drunk, spends €12 000 in night clubs

Even with crutches, Cristiano Ronaldo has been unstopable. After on Tuesday he had enjoyed the nightclub "villa", in Los Angeles, USA, where he spent nearly twelve thousand euros in drinks and finished the night, according to the English press, a little drunk, the player used the night of the day before yesterday to know one more nocturnal space of Los Angeles.

Accompanied by the brother, Nuno, and the brother-in-law, José, Cristiano Ronaldo chose the CrownBar for one more night of great liveliness. But it keeps on being his passage for Villa who has been giving what to speak. After the day before yesterday the player have been a piece of news because of having denied the advancements of Paris Hilton, here that the English press talks now about all that the player spent in drinks. The newspaper ‘ Daily Mirror ‘ advances that Cristiano Ronaldo squandered nearly 12 thousand euros in red wine, vodkas and bottles of champagne Crystal.

Between a glass and other and, for great hysteria of many girls who were in the nightclub and who tried to be brought near the expert, he resolved to dance and not only... " He threw the crutches to the ground, but since he is still very painful it was not managing to move very much. To given moment, Ronaldo loosened the buttons of the sweater. The girls adored and vibrated with that ", tells a witness, guaranteeing: " He was looking a little drunk".

After this night out, the player of Manchester United marked presence, the following night, in the prizes ESPN - where it was nominated better international athlete, having lost for the tennis player Rafael Nadal - and from there he followed to Crown Bar.

After a few short holidays, Cristiano Ronaldo has been using the period of recuperation to have a very active social life, but without Nereida.

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