terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008

Is it if each club could manufacture his own Cristiano Ronaldo?

Cristiano Ronaldo's time is to be in such a fantastic and exuberant way that is already work of scientists' study. But to "manufacture" other "Ronaldos" for the soccer with help of the genetics and of the Portuguese it is for already a myth, second a German scientist: Ronaldo's gene doesn't exist." A feather the followers of the will say soccer-espectáculo and the fans of the feints of the end.

For Henning Wackerhage, German specialist in sport medicine, is "absurd" to appeal to genetic analyses to obtain a successor of the brilliant Madeiran. "No there is, nor it will have a test to discover Ronaldo's" gene, it assured Wackerhage to the Germanic weekly publication Gives Spiegel.

The scientist was contacted by an European club, "interested party in the possibility of doing genetic tests in athletes in search of indications of potential of high level." "I refused because I am not in favor of the use of the genetics for that purpose, but it is obvious that the genetic technology has potential", it explained. The idea was to find "next Cristiano Ronaldo", but the scientist recalled that, although the laboratories have scientific objectivos, ethics subjects exist to have in bill: It would "serialize unacceptable that a boss analyzed their employees genetically."

Wackerhage, teacher in the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, admits that, "theoretically", the genetic search can work in sports as the athletics - for instance in the proofs of 100 meters -, where they are present less variant than in the soccer.

However, in Australia, there is who believes that is possible to detect aptitude for different sport modalities. A company decided to move forward with the research and she does pay to young athletes or simple apprentices for us to make tests of ADN and like this to identify the sport potential, based on studies of the Australian Institute of the Sports. The objective of the study is the mutations of ACTN3, responsible gene for the production of the alpha-actinina-3, a protein that contributes for an increase of the contracções of the muscles.

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